Photograms what happened and the process

The process for creating a photogram is fairly simple, placing items on photographic paper and then exposing them to light for a number of seconds before developing the image as if it was a print as normal.

With my first test strip it didn’t work as well it was a little bit dark, this was due to the fact that when I had positioned the enlarger I didn’t turn the lens down and this led to overexposure on my first image. I exposed for seven seconds which would have led to the overexposure.

With my second test strip I adjusted the lens keeping it at seven seconds this seemed to have a more positive effect but as I was eager to look at the image I had produced I hadn’t left it long enough to develop and this meant that the image hadn’t processed enough.

My final image was the better one of the three that I had created, I had ordered the objects that I had used (Cotton buds and cotton wool) and exposed it for five seconds after I had decided that seven seconds was too long. I then with suggestion from Daniel instead of placing the image in the developer I ran the developer down the image to give it a more abstract effect, and I didn’t allow it to develop fully. I then processed it and dried it as normal. I really like this effect as a one off piece I don’t think I’ll carry this on further when I carry on developing my photograms for my project.

Floris Neusüs


Other than Man Ray and his Rayographs I have decided to also look at




s he calls his work photos without a camera and uses shadows of people to create his work. I have chosen to look at a small part of his collection of work to explore as I have decided that photograms will be one of the items that I will explore further. “His works often deal in opposites: black and white, shadow and light, movement and stillness, presence and absence, and in the translation of three dimensions into two. By removing objects from their physical context, Neusüss encourages the viewer to contemplate the essence of form. He creates a feeling of surreal detachment, a sense of disengagement from time and the physical world. Collectively, his images explore themes of mythology, history, nature and the subconscious.”

To create these images Neusüss placed his models onto large pieces of photographic paper and then exposed them he called them Körperfotogramms. It seems to be on the scale of large format images. I find the work interesting how he deals with opposites such as shadow and light, it might be something that I could further explore within my own work. Looking at the deeper meaning of the piece it could almost be like these people are escaping it is almost like seeing a brief glimpse into their lives almost like a snapshot. Perhaps Neusüss took inspiration from Jackson Pollock who used people to create his own artwork?

Within the first image I find the shadow caused by movement to be interesting it gives an almost ghostly feel to the work and although I would have first discarded this if it was my own work but I feel that it gives added depth, this is something I’m going to explore while using items of varying texture and translucency. I feel this will give me a chance to explore but something I hope I can build on further. Maybe exploring liquids? The second image is also quite ghostly and eerie and I find that this style of work very intriguing and I hope it is something I can create in my work by moving items slightly while exposing the images, even though there is a possibility that this won’t work with the items I hope to use I feel like as this module is all about experimenting that I can and should try anything.


Martha Madigan

I stumbled across these images while searching for other photogram artists, I find them to be very interesting and also very abstract, I think that she has cut out images and then layered them on photographic paper to create the most surreal images. I feel Madigan explores the human body within her work and although I have only chosen three examples here to explore I feel that they are very poignant images and show the human form in an artistic way, I chose these because they also related to Floris Neusüss another photogram artist who’s work could potentially inspire what I am hoping to create with further time in the dark room.

Looking at these images I feel that there is an almost more meaning to them it seems to me that she has used the human form in its natural state and then layered nature and I feel that overall that his her theme for these images. Although this isn’t what I want to create for my images I feel that they could inspire the way that I place the items on the paper.

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Man Ray

Man Ray was one of the most famous people to create a Photogram and his work as I have selected above is very abstract and almost has no sense to it. But I find this is what attracts me to it most as it seems with these images he has just picked random objects. ‘To create his ‘Rayographs’ Man Ray exposed the paper three times each time adding another layer to the photogram with each exposure the ‘Rayograph’ was created.’

I myself would like to create something similar and I feel that Man Ray could be a large influence on my work in the future. I plan to create a series of photograms using things that I can find in my bag I feel this will allow me to explore the different transparencies of objects a theme that I am hoping to carry on throughout trying to develop them further. I’m also hoping to use every day items that I can pick up from around my house to create unique works like the one above. I feel that by creating work this kind of work I will be developing a deeper understanding of how Ray O Graphs were creating. I have looked at many examples of Man Ray’s work from his images that he has created using dark room items the further I explore his work the more I can understand how he works, there is no specific way that he has placed his items, I feel that with this he is acknowledging Dadaism which he is known for being part of as both operated at the same time.
