Homeless projections Krzysztof Wodiczk

Krzysztof Wodiczko’s public projections give life to monuments and public buildings through expressive physical movement, combining the images and voices of marginalized citizens: the homeless, immigrants, survivors of domestic violence and war veterans. Working in close collaboration with St. Michael’s Mission and other community organizations, Wodiczko offers the homeless a space to recount their experiences, tell their stories and express their fears and desires, providing a more intimate portrait of homelessness. Placing the staged projection on a theatre means that the participants become both spectators of official culture and actors playing in their own theatre, following their own lived script. http://www.macm.org/en/expositions/krzysztof-wodiczko/

I find the work to be interesting as its raising awareness for a cause I feel is particularly prominent around this time of year and that there needs to be more awareness of this particular issue, however looking towards the technical side of things the projection has been placed onto large buildings making sure that it is able to be seen by  a large multitude of people so that it can reach the widest audience possible. The installation also involves sound and moving image which creates another layer to this already politically charged piece of art.

Although his work is interesting and I find there an appeal to creating work that is very politically charged I just feel that creating work that involves projecting onto such a large surface area isn’t very practical for someone who doesn’t have access to this kind of space to work with.

krzysztof_wodiczko1 Fete de Montréal / Partenariat Quartier Des Spectacles




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