Oscar Gustave Rejlander

The third photographer that I have chosen to look at is Oscar Gustave Rejlander he is a more traditional photographer using a large format camera he has created large tableaus of work, although as I have said previously that I would prefer to take candid images in a street photographer style I find that these images are very interesting if I was planning on creating large scale more posed images, in a narrative style.

The first image I have chosen is this a double exposure of people there is more of a sepia tone to this image that I have chosen to look at with an almost ghostly quality to the image, I find that this double exposure fits the idea that i wanted to convey in my own work it almost seems that the main focus of the image the man sitting up is dwelling on his life and thinking about what has been what could happen of course this is merely speculation as I have no way of actually knowing what is happening within this image and that I am simply looking for a deeper meaning that might not even be there. Technically I find there is a few imperfections but this is probably due to the time that these pieces were created. I feel that I will be taking the majority of my inspiration from this practitioner as they have carved the path for newer double exposure photographers.

The second image I have chosen is perhaps one of his more famous images, although this image is more of a photomontage rather than a double exposure as he has layered many components together to create this image I feel that the large scale of the image and its many parts cannot be explained fully by annotations as it needs to be viewed in its full glory however, although this isn’t strictly double exposure but I find that this is very helpful as it has helped me understand. I feel that this image is technically very good and although I don’t want to create such an image like this as I feel more interested by street photography.


Roser (01)

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