I stumbled across these images while searching for other photogram artists, I find them to be very interesting and also very abstract, I think that she has cut out images and then layered them on photographic paper to create the most surreal images. I feel Madigan explores the human body within her work and although I have only chosen three examples here to explore I feel that they are very poignant images and show the human form in an artistic way, I chose these because they also related to Floris Neusüss another photogram artist who’s work could potentially inspire what I am hoping to create with further time in the dark room.
Looking at these images I feel that there is an almost more meaning to them it seems to me that she has used the human form in its natural state and then layered nature and I feel that overall that his her theme for these images. Although this isn’t what I want to create for my images I feel that they could inspire the way that I place the items on the paper.
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