Floris Neusüs


Other than Man Ray and his Rayographs I have decided to also look at




s he calls his work photos without a camera and uses shadows of people to create his work. I have chosen to look at a small part of his collection of work to explore as I have decided that photograms will be one of the items that I will explore further. “His works often deal in opposites: black and white, shadow and light, movement and stillness, presence and absence, and in the translation of three dimensions into two. By removing objects from their physical context, Neusüss encourages the viewer to contemplate the essence of form. He creates a feeling of surreal detachment, a sense of disengagement from time and the physical world. Collectively, his images explore themes of mythology, history, nature and the subconscious.”

To create these images Neusüss placed his models onto large pieces of photographic paper and then exposed them he called them Körperfotogramms. It seems to be on the scale of large format images. I find the work interesting how he deals with opposites such as shadow and light, it might be something that I could further explore within my own work. Looking at the deeper meaning of the piece it could almost be like these people are escaping it is almost like seeing a brief glimpse into their lives almost like a snapshot. Perhaps Neusüss took inspiration from Jackson Pollock who used people to create his own artwork?

Within the first image I find the shadow caused by movement to be interesting it gives an almost ghostly feel to the work and although I would have first discarded this if it was my own work but I feel that it gives added depth, this is something I’m going to explore while using items of varying texture and translucency. I feel this will give me a chance to explore but something I hope I can build on further. Maybe exploring liquids? The second image is also quite ghostly and eerie and I find that this style of work very intriguing and I hope it is something I can create in my work by moving items slightly while exposing the images, even though there is a possibility that this won’t work with the items I hope to use I feel like as this module is all about experimenting that I can and should try anything.


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