Ben Rider

I first stumbled across the work of Rider through a band that I listened to, I didn’t realise that his work was screen printing and I find it to be my favourite of all the artists that I have researched as his use of colour and pop culture references make his work appealing to my generation.

Although Rider creates his work digitally for the most part I find that it fits the style of work to have been created using a computer and something I would contemplate creating because it’s work that appeals to me.

Riders work also has a political message about the rising cost of rent among other things, although parts I agree with others I don’t but I find that its interesting and colourful which can offer a counter balance.

Rider also works with Film 4 when they screen films at Somerset House over the summer creating promotional work this is a common theme within his style of work. The image that he was commissioned to create uses bright colours a norm for Rider, and has used cultural references to the film Aguirre, The Wrath of God by Werner Herzog although I have never heard of this film until I began researching Rider but I feel that his work always takes an alternative and abstract look.

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